21.09.2008, 19:32 | |
Название: The
Legionary Автор: Peter
Connolly Серия: The Roman
World Издательство: Oxford University
Press Год: 2003 Формат: PDF Язык: англ. In the centre of Rome there is a huge column erected
by the emperor Trajan. It is decorated with a great spiral sculpture telling
the story of his victory over the Dacians who lived beyond the river Danube in
Romania. The column has been standing there for nearly 1,900 years, a silent
epitaph to one of the greatest armies in history. Looking at Trajan's column is
like watching television with the sound turned down. We can see things in great
detail but we can hear very little, for the history of the Dacian wars has been
lost. We can see soldiers camping, cavalry dashing through the trees, towns
being burned but we don't know who or what. We know little more than that
Trajan and his predecessor, Domiiian, fought wars against the Dacians, and thai
in the end the Dacian leader, Decebalus, killed himself. The Romans themselves
would have known what these pictures represented. But 1,900 years later, little
can be identified with certainty. Wc can recognise Trajan; his face is well
known. He appears many times. We can see the bridge he built across the Danube
and at the top of the column wc can sec Decebalus killing himself as a Roman
horseman dashes forward trying to stop him. We can even see the emblem on the
horseman's shield, but wc could never guess his unit let alone his name - or
could we? In 1965 a tombstone was discovered in northern Greece. Its
inscription proudly shouts across the centuries. '1 am Tiberius Claudius
Maximus of the Second Pannonian Cavalry. I captured Decebalus.' This is not all
that the tombstone tells us, for it gives an account of Maximus' whole career.
Using this and other evidence Maximus' life has been reconstructed into two
books. This book tells the story of Tiberius Claudius Maximus the Legionary. Сканы: | |
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